ISO 22000:2005 -"Food Safety Management Systems - Requirements for any organization in food industry",ISO 22000 certification is a new International Standards designed to ensure the safety of food supply chains worldwide while applying HACCP programe, in addition to the harmonized applicable QMS and prerequisite program.
ISO 22000 specifies a Food Safety Management System that include interactive communication between supplier and producers and customers. It answered the growing demand for the certification of suppliers and gives more attention to quality aspects.
The standard is applicable to all organizations directly or indirectly involved in one of the stages, related to the food chain, intending implementing a management system that would guarantee food safety for consumers.
Various companies, from seed producers, meat or milk processors, etc., to food transportation companies and even retailers, private food unit or equipment manufactures for the food industry can successfully apply ISO 22000:2005, "Food Safety Management Systems - Requirements for any organization in food industry",